Alberto Salván Zulueta.   Photography Work

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Born in Madrid in 1979. Graduated in Art History. After graduating in graphic design at the Istituto Europeo di Design in 2003 he co-founded the graphic design studio Tres Tipos Gráficos. They focus their activity on editorial design, exhibition design and branding, especially linked to the cultural field. 

With extensive teaching experience , it is worth mentioning the development of several workshops and projects since 2006: direction of Final Degree Project IED the courses 2014-16, Brand Architecture, 2013-18 at IED, his participation in various masters of IED (Brand and Editorial Design), BlankPaper, La Fábrica, PHotoEspaña, SUR, or court of Final Degree Project at the European University of Madrid. Direction of master's degree in IED Editorial Design from 2019-2022. 

Works in the co-direction of Tres Tipos Gráficos. His graphic work has been recognized in various awards and competitions, in which it is worth mentioning: Gràffica Award 2015, D&DA 2015 (London); gold, silver and bronze Laus between the years 2010-23, Top Fedrigoni Award 2013 (Milan), Type Directors Club 2012 (New York), PhotoEspaña Best National Photography Book 2012, and Aperture-ParisPhoto Best Photobook 2021, among others.

Complements this activity in the field of visual arts, in which he develops projects around the image and its canons of representation. In this area it is worth mentioning awards, recognitions and exhibitions such as Foam Talent 2011 (Amsterdam), finalist FotoPress La Caixa'14, P2P-PHotoEspaña 2014 or New Spanish Photography 2015 (Washington), Visions beyond borders, (New York). He has participated in activities and exhibitions curated by agents such as Joan Foncuberta, Sema D'Acosta, Tania Pardo, Charlotte Cotton and Rosa Olivares, among others.

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VITAE (Arts)


 — Contexto crítico. Fotografía española siglo XXI. Tabacalera, Madrid. Organized by Museology. Rosa Olivares.
— Bienal Fotonoviembre 2013, «Atlántica colectivas». Spain.
— Fundación Aena 2012 Prize. Spain.
— Premios Arte40 Prize. Spain
— XIV Premio Unicaja de Fotografía Prize. Spain
— Talents 2011 exhibition at Foam Museum. 2011
— Atlántica colectivas, in the Biennale Fotonoviembre 2011, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2011
— Rencontres d'Arles 2011 — What's next? 10 years of FOAM. Arles, France. 2011
— 11 Mostra Internacional Gas Natural Fenosa. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural Fenosa. 2010
— Purificación García 2010 Award, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid. 2010. 
— At Billirubin de Berlín, with De Brito, P. Glaser, T. Schurr, Matt Siber and Lohner/Carlson. 2009
— Cars and houses, Exhibition at Billirubin Gallery, Berlin. 2008
— Descubrimientos Photoespaña 06, El Matadero Madrid. 2006
— Certamen Jóvenes Creadores Comunidad de Madrid 06. 2006
— Circuitos de la Comunidad de Madrid 2001, Centro de Exposiciones Avenida de América. 2001


— Foam Talent 2011
— 11 Mostra Internacional Gas Natural Fenosa. 3rd Prize.
— Acciona Sustainability Madrid Foto 2010's Award. Finalist.
— Purificación García 2010 Award. Finalist
— PHE Editorial Projects '09. Workshops with Michael Mack, Fernando Gutiérrez, Chema Conesa and seminar with Martin Parr
— Finalist in Descubrimientos Photoespaña PHE'06 
— Circuitos de la Comunidad de Madrid 2001.


— Foam Magazine #28 (Talents prize Issue)
— 11 Mostra Internacional Gas Natural Fenosa, exhibition/prize catalogue.
— Acciona 2010, Annual Report.
— Purificación García 2010, exhibition/prize catalogue.
— Exit # 34 "Cars". May 2009.

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